What I ate today - Day 1

What a raw food detox day looks like

Breakfast: Juice or Smoothie bowl. It's just more fun... Basically, you'll have a smoothie with lots of nutritious and crunchy toppings.

Lunch: Salad with lots of sprouts - I keep it simple. A big bowl of deliciousness with colors and crunchy veggies. The focus here is to make a really delicious dressing to coat your nutricious veggies in.

Dinner: Could be anything from raw lasagna to zucchini pizza, pad thai, spring rolls, enchiladas, sushi, tacos. Yes, all of these can be made raw. This is were I will get variety. No one likes eating the same things each and every day. Also, dinner is the most important meal for me. Dinner is not just some nutrition to keep me going, it also serves the purpose of grounding me, slowing me down, giving me that sense of comfort and enjoyment that I like to have after a long work day.

Snacks: Fruit, nuts, seeds, juice, smoothie, chia puddings. Raw food snacks is really the easiest thing. Grab an apple and you're done! Haha, no but seriously. You don't need to do much, also I'm not a huge fan of snacking a lot... I believe in eating as few times as possible. I like to give my body a chance to rest as well as my teeth. I only snack if I'm really hungry and if I wont be able to eat my lunch or dinner as planned. Also if I get hungry a couple of hours after dinner I'm usually having a snack, only because I know that I don't sleep well when I'm hungry.

Breakfast - grapefruit

Since I woke up pretty late today I had a very light breakfast. I wanted to go to yoga and I don't like to eat straight before my workout. So I just had a grapefruit with some mint leafs. And of course, a drank a lot of water as I usually do in the morning... About 1 liter...

Lunch - spirulina smoothie bowl

Since I didn't have time for a real breakfast this morning I choose to make myself a big green smoothie bowl for lunch. The weather here in Stockholm is fantastic and when the temperature is rising it's really nice to eat something cold...

As you can see I pretty much used all kinds of greens that I had in my fridge today, little gem salad, sprouts, pea-shoots, spirulina, frozen banana and chia seeds. I topped it with sprouted buckwheat, coconut flakes, hemp seeds and mint leafs.

Dinner - tahini zoodles

This dinner was also very light and super easy to make. Spiralized zucchini and carrots with a nut-free tahini dressing. I also used some schezuan pepper and mint leafs on top. Haha, I had mint leafs at home today and I used it in all my meals! :P

The tahini dressing I made is adapted from this recipe that I found at Love and Lemons

Tahini sauce:
1 tablespoon olive oil
5 tablespoons tahini
1-2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1/2 clove of garlic, minced
4 tablespoons nutritional yeast
2 teaspoons maple syrup or honey (not honey if you’re vegan)
3 teaspoons soy sauce or gluten free tamari
1/2 teaspoon dried turmeric
salt & pepper, to taste
1/4 – 1/2 cup water, start with less, gradually add more


As for snack, I had some sliced apples with cinnamon. Also super easy yet very delicious and healthy...

Photos: Natalie Yonan

I'm feeling great after a day of pure and clean, organic raw food. <3

See you tomorrow!